Jim's Snaps

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Devils Tower is hard to miss as you approach it
The tower is 265 meters tall
The sides are made up of strange, mainly hexagonal pillars formed as the rock cooled
Team photo
Pool in a local bar near our RV park in Ranchester
On our way up the eastern side of the Bighorn Mountains
Quite a view
Dog trailer
Once up and into the mountains, there was a relatively flat plateau
This part of the road is 9,430ft above sea level - still lots of snow around
There were lots of wild flowers
A moose on the loose
RVs and trucks were asked to pull over and study the sign before deciding whether to take the scenic
but steeper descent, or the main highway. We chose the former - what could possibly go wrong?

Another sign at a mandatory stop just before the descent
We stopped for lunch about a third of the way down
Amazing views
This was around three-quarters of the way down, and shows how the road was cut out of the rocks
We first picked up the RV in Billings, Montana - and then covered 1,480 miles on our journey to Theodore Roosevelt National Park in
North Dakota, down to Badlands National Park in South Dakota, and then across to the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming via the Black
Hills and Devil's Tower, before finally heading back up to Billings again. The red crosses show the RV parks that we stayed at.

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Copyright © James Howard 2018
