Jim's Snaps

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Wild Cow Milking - two teams compete at once. The first job is to lasso a wild cow, easier said than done
Once caught, the team have to try to subdue it enough to be milked
Once the milk bottle is full it is taken to the judges who stop the clock
Advertising break
Bismark Ranch, proud sponsors
Stray gathering was up next, again lassoing was the first job
Near miss
On target
Each stray has to be lassoed by both the neck and feet
Once caught its feet are tied together to stop it moving
If the stray can't get up for ten seconds after the contestants leave it, the clock stops
The Bronc Ride, the final event that everyone had been waiting for
Big air
One of the more successful rides of the evening
The bronco will do anything to try to get the rider off
This rider was bucked off into the concrete barrier, but after a short delay he did get up again!
Every ride ends this way, usually sooner rather than later
No helmets required!
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